Monday, 27 February 2012

Born to Die

Bland, generic artists with overstated autotune and little character...who wants that? Thankfully, it seems the new decade is progressing away from artists like these further and further. It's 2012 and let me welcome you to the beautifully quirky music of Lana Del Ray and the first thing to realise about her: she is well and truly 100% unique. Her sadcore, downbeat, deep voice is in all honesty a style you would never have predicted to attribute commercial appeal. But it's intoxicating.

Born to Die, is her second major single and already gained a comprehensive 25 million youtube views. It has a slow-stringed backing, but is deeply captivating. Her beautiful soprano voice is seductive, "Come take a walk on the wild side, let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain..." It is gloomy, and somberly describes how in life nothing lasts, but it does stress the power and importance of love, that love in it's purest, passionate form can persist and grow.

Lana is undoubtedly an artist to divide opinion, it's an unusual sound initially, although her gorgeous appearance helps, made even more attractive by her sultriness, in the video for Born to Die. When you click on a Youtube video, you don't really expect such an Indie style on a song, but it's stimulating. It seems music is really beginning to progress to the stage where unconventional styles are being embraced on a mass scale.

Check out it!

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